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Hi, I'm Giovanni Gargini,

a Body Music trainer.



As a teacher, I believe the arts are one of the finer means of communication in our human world. “Art and play” is one of the keys of a juvenile and harmonious life.

I am a conservatory-trained in jazz drummer, I play piano, I sing, and I am a teacher of Feldenkrais Method®️. My passion for music led me to “Body Music” (Body Percussion), which is how I teach rhythm to musical learners of all ages.

I taught to Liceo Scientifico Morin and Liceo Classico R. Franchetti's choirs (Venezia).


I coached workshops in Venezia, Pistoia, Fermo (D.I.R.E - Dinamica, interazione, Ritmo, Espressività), Florence, Rimini, Bergamo and other cities.

I taught Body Percussion during the academic years 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 at kindergarten “Il Girotondo – Il Cantuccio dei Sogni” in Prato.

​From 2017th to 2019th I cooperated with Charles Raszl (Barbatuques), teaching and creating educational approaches.I taught from 2020 to 2022 at the online music school We ArtPlay (USA). In 2020th I created "Core Course" and taught online to more than 1000 students.


Groove Taste



Sei ritmi per conoscere il mondo della Body Music!



2 x Disco-Funk

2 x Tango

Core Course




Core Course
